Like Zerglings, Scourge spawn in pairs from a single Larva and can be produced in large numbers in a very short period of time. The Scourges serve as kamikaze-attack flying units. Scourge has the strongest damage of all the flying units in the Starcraft. They are useful when they against lone or small groups of enemy air units, but they lose their usefulness against larger groups of units. This is because they has low vitality. This week point can be made up when you use Scourge with Mutalisk. Mutalisk can make enough time to achieve Scourge's attack. One thing to keep in mind when using Scourge is knowing how many are needed to destroy any given target. I'll give you that information.
Wraith - 2 Scourge
Dropship - 2 Scourge
Valkyrie - 2 Scourge
Science Vessel - 2 Scourge
Battlecruiser - 6 Scourge
Observer - 1 Scourge
Shuttle - 2 Scourge
Scout - 3 Scourge
Corsair - 2 Scourge
Carrier - 5 Scourge
Arbiter - 4 Scourge
Overlord - 2 Scourge
Overlord - 2 Scourge
Mutalisk - 2 Scourge
Guardian - 2 Scourge
Devourer - 3 Scourge
댓글 2개:
Oh.. good information.
I need that chart!
Thank you Mervin kaka
Beautiful monster.
Gamigage! It likes you!
Just kidding~~
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